It is now more paramount than ever that we as educators guide our students to becoming informed and engaged citizens. TDC is devoted to bringing the tools you need to institute programs that will bring a wave of civic engagement to your campus, but in order to do that we need to know who to coordinate with!
Firstly, to ensure communication between TDC headquarters and each college, all member institutions are asked to designate a Campus Coordinator.
The Campus Coordinator is a very important commitment that we ask of each member institution. The Campus Coordinator is defined as: a faculty member, administrator, or staff person who believes in the value of a civic education and is committed to the success of The Democracy Commitment on your campus.
Below you’ll find a brief form with questions for you or your campus coordinator to fill out. Please use this form regularly to report any updates and changes to ensure clear lines of communication. As soon as we have this information we can continue working together on fulfilling the mission of The Democracy Commitment that all community college students are educated in citizenship and democracy!