“Slashed budgets, debt burdens, speculation unchecked, diminished access, narrowing measures of worth. Without support for a reorientation of values and realignment of priorities, higher education and community organizations committed to a just, equitable, and fully participatory vision of the world face a challenge to their most cherished ideals and in some cases, their very survival. Against these forces of unequal benefit, induced scarcity, and reduced expectation, this is a moment that calls for a bold and ambitious voicing of where our desired future lies and how we will get there.”
The opening statement of the Imagining America National Conference announcement tells a very real story of our current political and social climate.
2012 Imagining America National Conference
October 5-7, 2012, New York, NY
Linked Fates and Futures: Communities and Campuses as Equitable Partners?
Co-hosted by Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute, Columbia University, New York University, and The New School
Imagining America is currently accepting proposal submissions for presentations at their autumn conference. Please click here for more details.