The Place: Reason #5 You Should Come to #ADPTDC13

Posted in TDC Events on Apr 19, 2013

By Stephanie South, Program Associate, AASCU As a born-and-raised-in resident of Colorado for 23 (and a half) years, I cannot tell you how excited I am to travel back to my home state in June for this year’s ADP/TDC National Meeting. But as anyone who has ever been to Colorado will tell you, no connection […]


#ADPTDC13: CIRCLE’s Peter Levine to Give Plenary Talk

Posted in TDC Events, Updates & Announcements on Apr 11, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013 | 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Plenary Session: A Defense of Higher Education and its Civic Mission Presenter: Peter Levine, Lincoln Filene Professor of Citizenship and Public Affairs and Director of CIRCLE, Tisch College/CIRCLE, Tufts University The liberal arts and the civic mission of higher education are under attack in this […]


Meet the Chosen Student Plenary Panelists for the 2013 National Meeting

Remember that Student Plenary video contest we told you about? The one where The Democracy Commitment (TDC) wanted to find students to speak at the 2013 ADP/TDC National Meeting? Well, we found them. And, yes, to be sure, we had a great set of submissions–thank you to everyone who entered! However, there were not enough entries […]