Social Media Campaign
Follow Us and Stay Informed, Stay Engaged, & Stay Woke!
Starting January 2018, TDC will launch a social media campaign to create a national civic network for and about democracy in our community colleges. In order to benefit from national dialogues, information-sharing, news updates, national announcements, and scholarship, sign up today and follow us on social media. This network is for anyone committed to our democracy and mission of TDC.
The Democracy Commitment
70 posts
172 following
TDC is a non-partisan national organization dedicated to engaging community college students in civic learning & the democratic practice.
The Democracy Commitment is a national initiative that provides a platform for the development and expansion of community college programs and projects aiming at engaging students in civic learning and democratic practice across the country.

CNN on Twitter
“Florida school shooting survivor: “To Congress… you have the power to change this and if you don’t, then we will change you. We may be too young to vote, but soon we will be able to vote and we will vote you out.””