This effort, a blend of national and campus-centered activities, entails a series of initiatives and projects that are supported by groups of campuses and national partners creating materials and ideas for community colleges to use in promoting civic learning and democracy engagement among campuses. Each initiative deals with critical national dialogues and issues such as political engagement, inequality, deliberative democracy, community conversations, civic agency, and civic curriculum development. Please fill out this form and sign up for the following initiatives and projects. Upon sign up, you will receive next step instructions. Fall 2017 First Round Deadline: *August 18* Second Round Deadline: *September 1* Third Round Deadline: *September 15* Spring 2018 First Round Deadline: *December 8* Second Round Deadline: *January 12* Third Round Deadline: *January 26*">
TDC Initiatives and Projects Sign Up
TDC Members have exclusive opportunities to participate in national initiatives creating an interconnected web of students, campuses, and communities committed to democracy. To this end, TDC presents a series of national initiatives and projects that will allow students to become deeply involved in substantive citizenship issues.

This effort, a blend of national and campus-centered activities, entails a series of initiatives and projects that are supported by groups of campuses and national partners creating materials and ideas for community colleges to use in promoting civic learning and democracy engagement among campuses. Each initiative deals with critical national dialogues and issues such as political engagement, inequality, deliberative democracy, community conversations, civic agency, and civic curriculum development.

Please fill out this form and sign up for the following initiatives and projects. Upon sign up, you will receive next step instructions.

Fall 2017
First Round Deadline: *August 18*
Second Round Deadline: *September 1*
Third Round Deadline: *September 15*

Spring 2018
First Round Deadline: *December 8*
Second Round Deadline: *January 12*
Third Round Deadline: *January 26*
First Name *
Your answer
Last Name *
Your answer
Title *
Your answer
Institution *
Your answer
Email Address *
Your answer
Contact Number
Your answer
Are you the TDC Campus Coordinator *
In a paragraph, please share the impact/value of TDC and civic engagement on your campus. *
Your answer
Engaged Campus Consultation
With this new service TDC will provide direct consultation to review and provide advice tailored to institutional needs on civic program and curriculum development, management, training, and organizing to fulfill the true mission of democracy's colleges. This is only offered to member institutions in good standing.
Are you interested in Engaged Campus Consultation? *
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